Bacon Wiki

Wagnike2 Wagnike2 28 July 2011

The Bacon Alarm Clock

As bacon fanatics, we all fall asleep thinking about bacon. So why wouldn't we want to wake up to the same thing? The Wake N'Bacon Alarm Clock is a product that is aimed at helping us solve these goals and dreams. This Alarm clock is aimed at waking you up with the sound of freshly cooked bacon.

How to use it: Place a couple of strips of pre-cooked bacon on paper towels in the cooking tray. Set the cook time for 4 minutes. You can then use the tongs to eat your bacon.

While this product may not be real right now, Matty Sallin does tell you how you can make something similar. If you are willing to try it out, please check the source. Would you buy this alarm clock if it was a real product?

  • Matty Sallin
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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 22 July 2011

Chow's Favorite Bacon Recipes

Over at, they may love bacon perhaps as much as we do. In fact, they have compiled a huge collection of bacon recipes on their site and many of them are extremely interesting. Some of their recipes include - Bacon, Apple, and Blue Cheese Omelet, Campfire Trout with Herbs and Bacon, and Bacon and Cheddar Deviled Eggs.

If you are looking for a little bit of bacon inspiration and how to take your bacon to new levels, please check out their recipes over there. Also, be sure to share with us which one of their recipes is most interesting and fascinating to you.

  • Chow
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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 20 July 2011

Ron Swanson's Bacon Palooza

Fans of the NBC Show Parks and Recreation, will be ecstatic to see that Trader Joe's is using funny man Ron Swanson to sell their bacon. As can be seen in this photo, Ron Swanson loves his breakfast food. One of the quotes from Season 2 of the show describes his love for breakfast and the fonder sex.

Ron Swanson [while hanging a photo of breakfast food]: I'm a simple man. I like pretty, dark-haired women and breakfast food. But this stock photo I bought at a framing store isn't real. Today I got the real thing. A naked Tammy made me breakfast this morning. I should have taken a picture of it.

However, Trader Joe's is taking advantage of using Ron Swanson's love of breakfast. He has already admitted in the series that he buys everything at F…

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 15 July 2011

Bacon Lorem Ipsum

Contrary to what the title of this blog is, no I'm not talking about Pig Latin (pun intended). Based on the Lorem Ipsum text generators that are used in creating websites or documents to see how text will appear on the page, the website Bacon Ipsum, has created a more bacon and meatier variety. Their text reads as the following

Short ribs shankle salami, swine pork ham hock pork chop andouille ham. Ham hock rump meatloaf bresaola t-bone. Jowl chuck beef jerky, short loin tenderloin swine brisket t-bone flank ribeye strip steak. Beef pork chop spare ribs meatball tail, venison chicken beef ribs swine ground round. Short loin pastrami ribeye tail boudin pancetta, bacon shank drumstick venison short ribs ground round strip steak jerky tenderlo…

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 11 July 2011

The Air Smells of Bacon

There is nothing quite like waking up on a weekend morning to the smell of freshly prepared bacon. Who doesn't love waking up to the sizzling sound of fresh cooking bacon? The wafts of scent coming off this freshly cooked bacon could send one into complete ecstasy. Of course some of us try to be healthy, (at least once in awhile), so we can't always enjoy our bacon.

Luckily for us, one new bacon product has emerged that can help us in these times of need. Bacon Air is supposedly an inhaler like object that will allow users to get a delicious pork smell whenever they want, regardless of their location.

Unfortunately, it appears that this may or may not have been an April Fool's Day joke. It's hard to tell in the world of the bacon. But if thi…

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